Get Rid of Bad Approval Rate
This post is an extension to my earlier article How to Optimize Mturk Turk Earning, It’s really very tough to judge although a HIT would be approved by requester if you are not applying these tips. Before continue if you are still confuse and don’t know about Mturk must read this article – AmazonMturk for beginners
MTurk counts your HIT approval rate to assign you a new HIT on the bases of your competencies, so it’s really an important factor behind success on MTurk, as good HIT approval you have meke you eligible for more HIT. The HIT Approval rate compare your acceptance and rejection ratio of Tasks that you submitted, you can find these figures on your dashboard in MTurk account
Here the main problem that a worker face, requester willing to assign new HIT or Task to workers with 95% or batter approval rate. They will not allow you to work on HITs if your approval rate not meets with qualification rate required. I have experience some of the best paying HITs comes on 95% or a batter criteria and having a bad approval rate will not give you access to earn from thesehighest paying HITs
I never appreciate if you have a problem in your HIT approval rate because it happens due to your avoidance to important things that I am mentioning here, I am helming my HITqualification rate at 98% but when I started working with MTurk I also bring the HITqualification problem with me for couple of day but time lesson us everything. My experiences with MTurk haunt me my lessons time by time
In my research I found reading the Instructions helps even though it could not guarantee you to a Satisfying approval from requester, few days ago I worked on a Task and it got rejected besides theTurkopticon Toolbar were showing the good rating about him. It happed because of the reliability of requester got a significant change as per the Turkopticon reviews, He started using automated software for HIT’s approval that had plenty of errors in it. Read 10 worst things that’s because I hate Mechanical Turk
I worked lot to maintain back my HIT approval rate; I swear this is the worst experience of mine withMTurk because it’s really not fun.
Here I have to say Microworker is enough good when you have to recover from bad HIT Rate it is because on Microworker it maintains automatically time heals from a bad approval rate even we don’t spent time on it you only have to secure yourself from more rejections- Read Top 10 to Top 50 alternatives to MTurk.
In conclusion I recommend you to maintain your HIT approval rate by doing hit on the bases of requester’s reliability rating and the competencies of yours if they match to available HITS. One thing more use my MTurk earning optimization Tips for MTurk Earning
Try to go through the qualification test, and to manage your HIT approval rate keep working onHITs those not paying you a good amount but these hit helps you to reach on the HITQUALIFICATION RATE where you could start to get highest paying HIT’s available on MTurk.
Mturk can give you $10 to $15 in an hour if you are well dressed with in MTurk Nation, If you fallen down to a bad rate start doing secure HITs in them you are expert, prepare yourself for a long haul. A cruel reality at this condition is HIT approval rate is a proportional result of acceptance and rejection criteria, to maintain it doing HITs is not only enough you requires higher or total acceptance results to get out of this hell.
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