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Enjoy the best tag lines and status for Lovers-
You may be out of my sight...
but never out of my mind...
Awesome story::
A 24 year boy seeing out from the
train window, shouted,
"Dad, look the trees are going
Dad smiled and a young couple
sitting nearby, looked at the 24 year
old`s childish behaviour
with pity.
Suddenly he again exclaimed
"Dad, look the clouds are
running with us!"
The couple could`nt resist and said to
the old man, "why dont
you take ur son 2 a good
Old man smiled and said "I did
and we are just coming from
the hospital, my son was blind from
He Just Got His EYES
TODAY" ....
♥ A girl was taking rest
on her boy frnd's shoulder...
she askd : how long can i rest my head on ur shoulder..? ♥
Girl was Sitting Alone
in a Park
Crying and a Boy sat Next to Her:
Darling Why do you Cry ??
My Heart was Broken,
I will help to Fix your Heart,
But I'm missing Pieces,
Then I will Break My Heart;
Cute pain:-
sometimes we decide to avoid sumone,
not bcoz we don't love them,,
A Girl 'n a Boy
crossing a bridge...
The boy was kind of scared,
So he asked Her :........ Baby
hold my hand so that You
don't fall into the river.
Girl said : No, You hold my
What's the difference........?
The boy asked.
Girl said : There's A Big
Like this... "If I hold Your
Hand 'n Something
Happens to Me...
Chances are that I may Let
Your hand Go....... But If You
hold My Hand........,
I Know for Sure that No
Matter What happens.........,
You Will never Let my
I Hate The Moment
When Suddenly My ANGER
In an xam,children were given to write an easy on mother..
A cute child wrote:
"combination of million words" from 26 alphabets..,,
Girl: Will you pick me up if I ever fell down?
Boy: No.
Girl: Would you wipe away the tears when I’m sad..:(...?...
Boy: Never.
Girl: Will you still love me when I look my worst?
Boy: Nope.
Girl: At least you’re honest …..:(((
Boy: I wouldn’t pick you up if you fell because I would catch you before you even hit the ground....♥
I wouldn’t wipe away your tears because I’ll make sure there’s nothing for you to ever be sad about....♥
I wouldn’t love you when you look your worst because that’s impossible. You always look you’re best, even when you think you don’t.....♥
'''When a girl walks for miles to see you,...
When a girl says sorry even though she didn't do anything,..
When a girl cries because she still loves/misses you,..
When a girl still tries to get you back,...
When a girl no matter how much you hurt her still loves you....
when a girl stops an argument with her guy to safe her relationship...
When a girl continuously makes you feel special and tries to make you happy..
When a girl is upset but doesn't tell you as she thinks she is annoying you....
When a girl wants to leave you because of your rude behavior but she is not able to do...
Don't let her go 'coz you may never find someone like that ever again....
she may be very special god's gift to you..
It's Crazy
The Way You See Someone
For 2 Minutes And Yet It Was
The Best Of Your Day.
... It's Crazier
When You Find Yourself
Thinking About That Person For
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