Inspirational stories, quotes and Jokes Collection
Plz Help us to add more status through commenting if you have something Great in Your Mind.
Enjoy the best tag lines and status for Lovers-
"When i die.... dn't cm near my body.... b'coz my hands may nt cm to wipe ur tears off that time."
You may be out of my sight...
but never out of my mind...
Awesome story::
A 24 year boy seeing out from the
train window, shouted,
"Dad, look the trees are going
Dad smiled and a young couple
sitting nearby, looked at the 24 year
old`s childish behaviour
with pity.
Suddenly he again exclaimed
"Dad, look the clouds are
running with us!"
The couple could`nt resist and said to
the old man, "why dont
you take ur son 2 a good
Old man smiled and said "I did
and we are just coming from
the hospital, my son was blind from
He Just Got His EYES
TODAY" ....
think 1nce b4 sayin smthin...
TRUST is the base of any relationship, always be careful before doing any little act because just a missing "T" can RUST the relationship...
♥ A girl was taking rest
on her boy frnd's shoulder...
she askd : how long can i rest my head on ur shoulder..? ♥
Boy : till 4 people take me on their shoulder :) !!! ♥
Girl was Sitting Alone
in a Park
Crying and a Boy sat Next to Her:
Darling Why do you Cry ??
My Heart was Broken,
I will help to Fix your Heart,
But I'm missing Pieces,
Then I will Break My Heart;
Just to Fix yours.. )
Doctor falls in Love with a Nurse.He writes a love letter to the Nurse :-) I Love U sister
Cute pain:-
sometimes we decide to avoid sumone,
not bcoz we don't love them,,
bcoz v find that they r more happier without us......)
A Girl 'n a Boy
crossing a bridge...
The boy was kind of scared,
So he asked Her :........ Baby
hold my hand so that You
don't fall into the river.
Girl said : No, You hold my
What's the difference........?
The boy asked.
Girl said : There's A Big
Like this... "If I hold Your
Hand 'n Something
Happens to Me...
Chances are that I may Let
Your hand Go....... But If You
hold My Hand........,
I Know for Sure that No
Matter What happens.........,
You Will never Let my
Hand Go........... " :')
Infect me with your ♥ Love
I Hate The Moment
When Suddenly My ANGER
Turns Into TEARS :-(
In an xam,children were given to write an easy on mother..
A cute child wrote:
"combination of million words" from 26 alphabets..,,
cn nevr express my loving mom... ♥
Girl: Will you pick me up if I ever fell down?
Boy: No.
Girl: Would you wipe away the tears when I’m sad..:(...?...
Boy: Never.
Girl: Will you still love me when I look my worst?
Boy: Nope.
Girl: At least you’re honest …..:(((
Boy: I wouldn’t pick you up if you fell because I would catch you before you even hit the ground....♥
I wouldn’t wipe away your tears because I’ll make sure there’s nothing for you to ever be sad about....♥
I wouldn’t love you when you look your worst because that’s impossible. You always look you’re best, even when you think you don’t.....♥
I love you more than anything, always remember that......♥ ♥
'''When a girl walks for miles to see you,...
When a girl says sorry even though she didn't do anything,..
When a girl cries because she still loves/misses you,..
When a girl still tries to get you back,...
When a girl no matter how much you hurt her still loves you....
when a girl stops an argument with her guy to safe her relationship...
When a girl continuously makes you feel special and tries to make you happy..
When a girl is upset but doesn't tell you as she thinks she is annoying you....
When a girl wants to leave you because of your rude behavior but she is not able to do...
Don't let her go 'coz you may never find someone like that ever again....
she may be very special god's gift to you..
It's Crazy
The Way You See Someone
For 2 Minutes And Yet It Was
The Best Of Your Day.
... It's Crazier
When You Find Yourself
Thinking About That Person For
The Next 23 Hrs N 58 Minutes ... ~♥~
A very true fact i read.... Guys never understand girl's feeling... except d one they r or were in relationship with....!!!
If animals hav FB, these r most likely to b their status updates:
Cockroach: Managed to skip frm somones's foot step.. Man, I lead a dangrous lifestyle! :p
Cat: My 7th child is asking who is her dad...wht shall I tell her?? I dnt evn remember :D
Mosquito: I m HIV positive dis is all due to wrong sucking !!! :/
Chicken: If 2omorrow i m nt updating my status, means i m being servd at KFC.! Luv u all ♥ :'(
Octopus: I hav jst refilld my ink..horray!! ^_^
Pig: Oh gosh they throw da gossip dat i m spreading flu...WTF!! :X
Goat: Frndz..dnt go out, Eid holiday is kuming :'(
_____________/\__________\o/__________ swim little man, swim faster !!
It`s all a lie... the "Made in China" stickers are actually made in India. O_O
Unknown call..
He: do u have a bf?
She: yes, who are u?
He: I'm your brother ! Just wait till i come home!!/:):D=D
... ...
Another unknown call
He : do u have a bf ?
She : no no I don't
He : what ? :O I'm ur bf , u just break my heart
She : no no no darling I'm sorry I though u r my brother
He :) right ! I'm ur brother Just wait till I come home , i'll see u at Home ...
Roses are red, Facebook is blue, No mutual friends, Who the Hell are you?
When someone says the words "I love you" and you don't feel the same way, just say "I love YOUTUBE" Really fast.
When I have kids, I`ll make them watch 2012 movie and tell them I survived that..
You cannot taste me, until you undress me.
..Sincerely, banana.
I tried to kill a spider with hair spray. It`s still alive, but its hair looks FABULOOooooOOUUUuuuS!
When I Die, Someone Should Keep Updating My Status To Freak Out People... :))
Make Google go Round Round.
Go to and type "Do a barrel roll", see what happens.
Boy 2 God- "Hazaro ki kismt tere hath thi, agr pas kr deta to kya bat thi
God rply2 boy- Grlfrnd thodi km banata to kya bat thi, kitabe to saari tere pas thi...:p
Don`t you just love it when you flip your pillow over and its cool on the other side..
Funda of Happy Married Life ......
He does what SHE wants and
She does what SHE wants...... :)
… just wants to point out that Cinderella is living proof that shoes CAN change your life!
... ʎɐqǝ uo pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ʎnq ı ǝɯıʇ ʇsɐן ǝɥʇ sı sıɥʇ
It used to be, “Can I have your number”? Now it’s, Do you have Facebook...... :D
Dear sLeEp
I know we had problems when I was young …
BuT nOw …
… ♥ I love u ♥ …
"there are always 2 sides of the story..and i don`t wanna hear yours..yours boring"
Facebook isn't a waste of time, it's important, it um, let's me, um, yeah OK it's a waste of time but you do it too!
.. Is beating her current record for number of consecutive days alive.
@name is as bored as a blind guy on a nudist beach... :/
Paperclip: The staple for people with commitment issues.
Many Crushes and Flirts are better than one True Love
Monopoly is always Damaging, and Competition Improves Efficiency!!
Pure Economic Theory of Love
My stupid phone doesn’t have enough battery left to take any pictures, but it has enough battery to keep telling me that it`s low......... :/
Your clothes are making me extremely uncomfortable
.Please, take them off............................ :P
I like to walk around my house naked…
....Until my neighbors scream at me to go back inside.
The squirrels must be gathering nuts. Three of my neighbors have disappeared.
There’s a bug in my computer. .... Plz Help
..I believe it’s looking for a byte to eat.
(`-` ) (._. ) ( ._.) ( `-`)
Two words guys hates: Don`t & Stop; unless you put them together.
Dear Winter, I think we should spend some time apart... I'm gonna try to work things out with my ex, Summer...Cholly
I'm tired of chasing my dreams, I'm just going to ask them where their going and meet them there later
Do you wanna know how can you keep your profile visitors under total suspense?
.I'll tell you tomorrow.
Try This Pic asYour Status.....
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The secret behind higher payouts are here you are
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I have gone through the worst experiences on Factoidz that's why i hate this get paid to write sites and these experiences are not only mine perhaps people who are engaged in writing at Factoidz, they are-
Factoidz battalion is not competing Hubpages but we can consider it for extra source of making money from our articles